1954-55, 4th grade, Cameron/Coronado, Mrs Faust
We started at Cameron on double sessions, in the cafeteria.  There were two classes in there, divided by those big rolling blackboards.  In the middle of the year, they finished Coronado School and we were moved there to finish the year.  
Top Row: Robert Brown, Diane Wald, Tom Tucker, Sandi Braun, Bob Pope, Judy Laret, Mike Harpel, Patty O'Brien, Dennis Ziegler
2nd row: Frank Koerner, Susie Newlon, Pat (Kathy Patsel?), Roger Coffee, Patti Alder, Brian Wilkerson, Patti Resnick, Bill Strouse, Patty Merrill
Bottom row: Mrs Faust, Gordon Hirsch, Nancy Fortman, Bob Cash, Cheryl Bredeweg, Jerry Tucker, Barbara Barnes, John Porter, Susan Hunter
Missing from the picture: Debbie Shields (waaa!)

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