1958-59, 8th grade, Sunset, Mr Shepherd
Top Row: Mike Monteleone, Zelma
Berti, John Winesap, Sue Kowalsky, Donald Day, ??,
Dennis Slattery, ??, Roger Blessing
2nd row: ??, Norman Smith, Johnny Ellison, ??, Wayne
Tapie, ??, Joe Crha, ??, ??
3rd row: ??, Mike Harpel, ??, ??, ??, ??, James Grigsby,
??, ??
4th row: ??, Curtis Williams, ??, Jerry Chacon, ??,
Lloyd Rudisill, ??, Roberta Burgess
Bottom row: Mr Shepherd, Bob Grant, Marsha Storms, Randy
Under the names on the picture, "WC" means they went to West Covina High School, "E" means they went to Edgewood